What a time to create the first blog post for our social media agency! The world is in flux, people are struggling and businesses are in unknown territory. As we look to our leaders to help guide us back into a functional society, we wonder and worry; will we get back to normal, and if we do, where does that leave our economy? And on a more granular level, what about our individual businesses?
When the COVID lockdown first started, a lot of businesses reacted by laying off people, and I’ve heard often that the marketing teams were among the first to go. In an effort to keep the lights on, core people remained. While it’s understandable, if nothing for a period of time to evaluate and regroup, the marketing team may be the people you need the most. They’re the ones who are going to let the world know you’re out there, that you survived the lockdown, that you’re still selling your products or your services.
And that’s critical, because if people don’t know you exist, how will they become customers?
Opening your doors is just the first step in a long chain of rebuilding your business. Even if you didn’t sustain any damages to your income or your staff, you’re going to face challenges. The amount of people now out of work, and those who will remain out of work for longer periods of time — maybe even permanently — will impact sales. People can’t spend money they don’t have. Businesses may adjust prices, decrease their team, find creative ways to keep afloat. We’re in uncharted waters.
Marketing your business, increasing positive brand awareness, building a community of brand evangelists, it’s something you need to start doing now. Be ahead of the game, get eyeballs on your business while people are still contemplating. Be an earworm in their thoughts before they take the next step.
Social media marketing is critical to success in a technology-driven world, even more so when people can’t leave their homes. When all a customer has to judge you by is your digital footprint, you need to be sure it’s a good one. The good news is that you can achieve that without a big layout of cash. Social media is, in theory, free. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and more, the platforms themselves are all free. The real estate is there for you to populate in your own unique way.
Think of social media platforms as your virtual storefront. What people can’t see in-person, you can show them online. If you can’t currently sell your services, make sure people know why they’ll need them once they feel safe, so show them why. Create videos. Build up contacts. Give out discount codes. And be empathetic. Be aware. Show compassion for our current society, and for their individual situations. Start the relationship now, and they’ll remember you when they’re ready.
Social media takes time to grow, and that’s why you want to start now. People are spending more time online: shopping, researching, seeking support and finding answers to boredom. Be a part of that now and later, it will pay off.
Take the time to invest in social media. If you need help, we’re here to work within your budget. We’re in Fontana, California, but we’re also available to work with you remotely. There are other things to cut first before you cut out the marketing that’s in everyone’s hands, every day. We can help you build that strategy and help you develop the approach that allows you to be ahead of the game, for less.